How to Show And Hide Button Based on a Security Role
- Make one solution from Make sure to connect to the right environment from the upper right corner
- Navigate to Solutions from the left side and click on New solution
- Allocate:
- Display Name: Ribbon - Table (Here: Table name is the Display Name of your table)
- Publisher
- Open Solution. Click on Add existing. Click on Tables.
- Search table. Select it. Click on Next
- Add below code in your existing web resource (JScript) or create new one
- // A namespace defined for the sample code// As a best practice, you should always define// a unique namespace for your librariesvar Person = window.Person || {};(function () {"use strict"var userSettings = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings;this.enableCheckAccess = function (_primaryControl) {var isEnableFormConfirm = false;try {if (CheckSpecificRoleWithAUser(userSettings.userId, "System Administrator")) {isEnableFormConfirm = true;} else {isEnableFormConfirm = false;}} catch (e) {this.openAlertDialog("Error from EnableFormConfirm: " + e.message);}return isEnableFormConfirm;}this.checkSpecificRoleWithAUser = function (_systemUserID, _roleName) {var userHasRole = false;try {var fetchData = {systemuserid: _systemUserID,name: _roleName};var fetchXml = ["<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='true'>"," <entity name='systemuser'>"," <attribute name='fullname' />"," <attribute name='systemuserid' />"," <order attribute='fullname' descending='false' />"," <filter type='and'>"," <condition attribute='systemuserid' operator='eq' value='", fetchData.systemuserid, "'/>"," </filter>"," <link-entity name='systemuserroles' from='systemuserid' to='systemuserid' visible='false' intersect='true'>"," <link-entity name='role' from='roleid' to='roleid' alias='aa'>"," <filter type='and'>"," <condition attribute='name' operator='eq' value='",, "'/>"," </filter>"," </link-entity>"," </link-entity>"," </entity>","</fetch>",].join("");this.retrieve(globalVariables.WebAPIVersion, "systemusers", fetchXml);if (globalVariables.Results.length > 0) {userHasRole = true;}} catch (e) {this.openAlertDialog("Error from CheckSpecificRoleWithAUser: " + e.message);}return userHasRole;};this.retrieve = function (webAPIVersion, entitysPluralName, fetchXmlQuery) {try {var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() +"/api/data/" + webAPIVersion + "/" + entitysPluralName + "?fetchXml=" +encodeURIComponent(fetchXmlQuery),false);//Syncreq.setRequestHeader("Prefer", 'odata.include-annotations="*"');req.onreadystatechange = function () {if (this.readyState === 4) {req.onreadystatechange = null;if (this.status === 200) {var results = JSON.parse(this.response);globalVariables.Results = results.value;} else {alert(this.statusText);}}};req.send();} catch (e) {this.openAlertDialog("Error from Retrieve: " + e.message + ".");}}this.openAlertDialog = function (_text) {try {Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(_text);} catch (e) {this.openAlertDialog("Error in openAlertDialog: " + e.message + ".");}}}).call(Person);
- Open Ribbon Work Bench from XRM Tool Box or from the CRM.
- Open the solution which we created earlier
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